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Top Secrets to Wow Your New Hires During the Onboarding Process

In the simplest of words, the onboarding process is established to bridge the gap between the employers and the new employees during their transitional phase in settling into the organization. Although subtle and quick, it is extremely important to focus on engaging the new recruits, especially as it helps in retaining them as long-term, loyal employees. Being the foundational block of hiring success, a well-thought-out onboarding process can increase job satisfaction by a mile.

Undeniably, we’re in an age where companies are working hard towards investing a substantial amount of money towards building, mentoring, and most importantly, retaining human capital, precisely due to the extremely competitive talent hunt. So, what’s better than to guide the employees the right way to total success?

If your newly hired employee has impressed you enough for you to employ them, it’s time to give back to them by fulfilling the promises of greatness made by your organization! Perhaps start by taking a closer look at the true value of onboarding and how it makes for a memorable joining experience for your newly found talent.

Here are 5 best secrets to conducting the best, most stand-out onboarding program with a hefty dose of creativity!

1. One on One Support Through a Measurable Plan

According to a survey conducted by BMS Performance, a whopping 72% of all new hires want to receive one on one support and guidance from their managers. Not only does this help the employees feel more secure at their new job, but it is a tool for bridging the communication gap and reaching out for support when necessary.

Try establishing a measurable game plan with a completely open-ended onboarding process. This is going to help you give one on one support to your employees without overwhelming them with the crystal-clear requirements of the company. As a manager, you need to map out the onboarding process, how long it’s going to take, the key performance indicators that can help measure the process, and its key takeaways.

2. Let the Employees in on the Bigger Picture

Everyone loves a good, detailed story of how the company came into being, how it achieved its goals, and concluded projects in a competitive environment, all while staying true to its corporate culture. So, make sure you let the employees in on the organization by highlighting the purpose and the objectives of the company to help them see the bigger picture.

Don’t forget, by giving the new hires some purpose; you’re going to give them the incentive to work hard.

3. Icebreaking with Colleagues

Break down the initial barrier by introducing the new employees to their colleagues. Through this, they’re going to feel a lot more involved with the company and its people.

Here is a tip! You can make the process of introducing the new hires to the existing employees easier through an icebreaking session. Maybe try playing some interactive games that help all the employees get to know each other better – after all, these are the same people your new hires will be working with on achieving the company’s goals.

4. Make Paperwork Seem like a Piece of Cake!

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of dull parts to the onboarding process as well, especially the formidable forms and formalities that have to be completed by spending long hours at HR. Luckily, if you play smart, you can opt for using specialized onboarding software with a personalized system instead!

Onboarding software typically eases out the process for both the employees and the employer without all the hefty paperwork to fill in. With all information, forms, and background checks of the newly hired employees in one place, you not only save a lot of time and money but get all the new hires onboard easily.

5. Ask for Feedback and Suggestions

At the end of the onboarding process, don’t forget to ask for feedback and an honest suggestion regarding the process. By requesting follow-up feedback, you’re opening communication lines between the management and the newly hired employees. If anything, they’re going to be super impressed by the organization’s desire to consider their opinions.

Plus, knowing how the onboarding process went for the employees can assist you, as a manager, in drafting an even better process for the next new hires. At the end of the day, it takes time and experience to perfect everything!

And that’s all there is to perfecting your onboarding process to truly wow your new hires! Be sure to try your best at uplifting their spirits by helping them ease into the organization. This is a tip that’s definitely going to lead to a more positive employee experience.

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